Dear Jon,
In a similar fashion to Clemens response, in the office Ubuntu linux workstations I've added an alias in the bashrc profile (It may need some admins authorization) to add the paths of telemac to get a more comfortable usage.
Edit the bashrc profile, using the output of locate
gedit /path/to/profile/.bashrc
Add opentelemac's python scripts to your path, in your case:
export PATH="/scratch/sce9jak/opentelemac/tags/v7p1r0/scripts/python27":$PATH
Create an alias for the SYSTELCFG (e.g. tele-ompi) (if you plan to use multiple telemacs builds or configs)
alias tele-ompi="export SYSTELCFG='/scratch/sce9jak/opentelemac/tags/v7p1r0/configs/redhatopenmpi.cfg'"
Save the bashrc file and close it and then relog your session or "source /path/to/profile/.bashrc" in the terminal.
Try your setup:
tele-ompi #this should be written every time you open a new terminal and want to use this cfg
gedit $SYSTELCFG #this should test the open your cfg file, close it /scratch/sce9jak/opentelemac/tags/v7p1r0/examples/telemac2d/bumpflu/bumpflu.cas
I remember that telemac's py scripts produced an empty output in my machines, if this happens to you, edit every single *.py file in the scripts folder and add at the most top of the file and add the shebang instruction which tells linux to use the "env python":
I hope this advice is helpful to you, regards
José D.