You are the second person who tells me that -- so I have done the tests again today and confirmed that if I put it back to the way it used to be, not all possible combination of running TELEMAC on an HPC work. So, at this, I would rather try to understand why it fail on your system and maybe find a common ground.
My questions are:
Do you need to do pushd <wdir>\.. ?
Can you not do just this: pushd <wdir>
If you look into the systel.cis-hydra.cfg, you will find the HPC_STDIN as follows:
hpc_stdin: #!/bin/bash
#PBS -S /bin/sh
#PBS -o <sortiefile>
#PBS -e <exename>.err
#PBS -N <jobname>
#PBS -l nodes=<nctile>:ppn=<ncnode>
#PBS -q highp
source /etc/profile.d/modules.sh
module load gcc/4.7.2 openmpi/1.6.5/gcc/4.7.2 python/2.7.2
export PATH
cd <wdir>
reseting the current location to <widr> before calling on <py_runcode>
Does this helps ?