Did you read my other posts? I really needed to get into the code! Drogue Characteristrics is NOT working correctly in the current code with a sigma vertical grid.
Yes I defined all the drogues in flot3d. The intial conditions that were generated were correct (printed out after all drogues were added from telemac3d), with X,Y,Z and shz defined correctly. That is where I thought my error was, hence the printouts. Not much else you can do when the internal start point is correctly interpreted but the end of iteration location shows Nan.
After the first iteration of scaract is where the z coord was nan'ed.
Please read the code. In BIEF/DERIVE function, zstar is declared but not initialised in DERIVE, it is NOT passed through the call!!! Zstar is used in velocity characteristics code, but is redefined to the zchar variable, though the CHARAC call. Importantly zstar is declared and defined as ZSTAR(1) but declared in SCARACT as ZSTAR(NPLAN) ... nasty error that could cause bad memory references.
The other main point, is that sigma IS NOT passed into SCARACT from DERIVE (only used for drogues) so it is defined in SCARACT as false for all vertical grids. This IS an error. Hence the original error where it was calling SCHAR41 with SIGMA = false.
Once a sigma grid is recognized, printing out zstar from SCHAR41 shows zero values ....
I would rather not have to do this .... on what is supposed to be working code. I have compared the current repository with the version I am running and there are no differences.