Dear Riadh,
I've been googling around and apparently DELWAQ can be used in parallel but rather using OpenMP protocol (instead of telemac's MPI) which can be "ok" to configure and test because I run the cases in a rather simple beowulf cluster with 3 Xeon nodes.
When you say "there is no real coupling..." you mean both codes run in a serial manner? e.g. Hydraulics (telemac 2d/3d) --then--> Water Quality (Delwaq) right?
Water quality isn't exactly my field of expertise (I was asked to research the options because Im the "telemac evangelist" here), but isn't that "ok" for tasks as tracing Pollutant concentration, mean life ( or even T95 life), analyzing spatial behaviours of pollutants in a river-floodplain or similar cases? I mean, it shouldn't be necessary to if the pollutant/element analyzed doesn't change significally water properties right?
...In which cases is a "complete-couple" strongly suggested?
I would be interested (if this project is approved) to compare whatever WAQ model chosen to WAQTEL and provide some feedback!
On the other hand ,is truly a shame that ESTEL is no longer being developed, that is definitly a drawback for oTelemac in this kind of hydro-enviromental simulations...Anyone has a suggestion on that matter (a groundwater model that can be coupled to Telemac2D/3D)?
José Díaz