Your work is indeed very interesting for river flows, especially to know which length is necessary to have a stabilized TKE value.
In my case the code reads the vertical profile for U, K and Epsilon except at the bottom. At the bottom, the value for Ubottom is imposed (hard-coded for the moment but I will change it). Then U*, K and Epsilon are deduced with the boundary law (I have to be very precise on the Ubottom value in order to have correct results, and I launched different simulations in order to set Ubottom).
For the time step, I just recently realized that the MURD scheme was explicit, and that I might have to lower it. But if I understood well, subiterations are done for the time step. I am currently playing on EPS and the time step but settings are delicate. Do you have clues on it?
Thank you a lot,