Hello Julien,
I'm not really sure if I'm tackling the issue here but you can always write more lines to (I believe) any keyword that needs a bunch of parameters in your steering file as long as you start them with a semicolon and no spaces inbetween lines of the same keyword and don't exceed the predefined max of those parameters.
As an example I once had a bunch of sources which made me format the steering file
exactly this way:
ABSCISSAE OF SOURCES =825106.750;835321.125;849660.375
ORDINATES OF SOURCES =1281397.125;1288179.375
WATER DISCHARGE OF SOURCES =38.15;17.27;20.56;21.71;19.65
Note that in this case the characters per line in the stereering case file didn't exceed the limit and for the 'sources' definition I stayed under the hardcoded max value predefined in the subroutine...
Hope it helps somehow,
José Díaz.