I try to run a Telemac3D model with AED + meteo forcing, but always end up with a GRACJG error for the tracer 6 that (I guess) triggers a NAN value for the FLUX calculation, and make the model stop.
I have already managed to successfully run telemac3d + AED (with 22 tracers) and telemac3d + meteorological forcing. But with the two options combined, I get the GRAJG error.
I have tried to solve it using recommendation from the forum, and trying different parameters, but this failed.
Also, if I turn off the advection and the diffusion, I get the same error.
I have tried to change the aed parameters (null concentration for all tracers, commenting out some of the aed models) but still get the same GRAJG error.
Would you have other idea please?
I attach the steering files (aed and telemac3d) and the outputs.
All are in the attached zip file.
Thanks in advance,