Dear Users,
I hope somebody could help me with the surface elevation problem I have encountered in the simple shape geometry wind case run. There is one open boundary with no prescribed velocities. The fluid is stationary and stratified. When wind is forced (by use of the wind file) then surface elevation is rising exponentially. Strange, but with addition of the Coriolis force it is rising much faster then without.
I have search on forum, but could not find any preiously similar problems posted. I have experimented with various parameters change, but it did not help. Funny, but I have the real bathymetry case, where velocities and surface are behaving very nice. Even when I used exactly the same steering and fortran files, that I used for the real bathymetry case, it still gave me very bad results for the simple geometry shape domain. The stratification without wind works fine. I have not run it for too long, but surface elevation was stable there. Also when I closed the boundary, the wind forcing effect on the surface elevation and velocity is fine. On attached figures, I have a case when surface and velocities are rising and falling on a very short time. If it is a necessary "model settle" period then I do not get the same on the real bathymetry case. In other cases the surface keeps rising.
I have attached the cas and fortran file, just in case. Also there are few plots: surface elevation and velocity with addition and without Coriolis, from the problem case. In case without Coriolis force the wind has been forced on the 7th day, so I cannot understand why they surface elevated at the very beginning when wind was 0. With addition of the Coriolis the wind had been forced from the first time step but surface did not settle down as in another case and kept rising. Sorry for the long and messy explanations, please let me know if you need more info. Sure, I made a silly mistake somewhere but I just cannot see it. Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards!