I’m trying to run a very big simulation. In the log files it’s written ‘CORRECT END OF RUN’.
Telemac started to merge the files but it crashed with the error:
At line 230 of file /user/leuven/311/vsc31159/telemac/balloonfish/sources/utils/gretel/gretel_autop.f (unit = 4, file = 'T3DHYD00179-00000')
Fortran runtime error: I/O past end of record on unformatted file
I tried to merge the output files but I get an error:
severe(67): input statement requires too much data, unit 4, file /projects ……/T3DHYD00179-00000
…The following command failed for the reason above
projects/…./gretel_autop < gretel_T3DHYD.par >> gretel_T3DHYD.log
There is no usual header in the log files, they start from day 4 instead of day 0. However, the run didn’t give any error and continued running.
My partial 3D result files are 2.7 – 3.0 Gb each (180 files), the 2D files are 0.8 Gb each.
I tried to open these files in BlueKenue but I get an error: ‘NOT a known file type… ABORTING’.
Does anybody know if these errors can be related to memory problems?
The simulation seemed to run correctly and said in the .log files that it ended correctly. However, the output files seem to be corrupted. I attached an example of the log file and error file.
Best regards,