Dear all,
I'm having difficulty in getting my parallel directory to compile (following the installation doc) and would be grateful for any suggestions or help.
I have a good installation of v6p0 a on CentOS_64 which is running well in single processor mode.
I have installed parallel libraries and their dependencies (metis parmetis mpich2 etc) and these are exported correctly.
Firstly, the compiled libmetis.a is placed in directory /parallel/parallel_v6p0/intel64. Is this correct? Should it be renamed?
FC_MPI,LK_MPI, LIBS_MPI and RUN_MPI are in the systel.ini file corectly I believe.
When I run makeall90 and makepar90 the parallel directory is ignored (although paravoid compiles ) and I am not creating the parallel executables
Please are there any suggestions as to what I'm missing?