Dear Fabien
Thank-you - using the correct LIBS_MPI options has solcved the linking problem and I have parallel executables compiled. :)
I have a further error when I try a parallel run - which is an MPI launcher error.
The output I get is shown below
MPI machine ok (with 16 processors).
*** RUNNING ***
MPI launcher : /export/apps/mpich2/bin/mpirun -machinefile mpirun.txt -np 16 out28473_intel64.exe
[] HYDU_create_process (./utils/launch/launch.c:69): execvp error on file out28473_intel64.exe (No such file or directory)
The error is repeated for each processor.
The error I think is one generated by hydra - which is trying to create proxy users for each processor (node) - but fails in calling the ./utils/launch/launch.c to do so.
Could you possibly advise me what output I should expect here? It may help me find the problem. Are my RUN_MPI options correct?