Dear Coulet (sorry I am not sure if it is your first name),
You are right that machine is confused on which configuration to pick. I thought to have both just in case as I need gfortran as well. I removed the ubugfortrans now and left ubugfopenmpi only, and I did not use -c in my compilation or runcode command. When I compiled then it compiled both configurations but when to run case then system probably was confused.
Also I was never sure what to enter on line "cmd_obj:" in config file for ubugfopenmpi configuration. I left it as gfortran but should not it be mpi90, same as for cmd_exe:? My root of the problem could be in configuration file, I hope so, then everything would be easy:). Thanks a mil.
After leaving one configuration only, recompiling and running postel3d I got another error. If I run it with pbs script through qsub or without qsub directly on command line, I get the same error. But I can run other modules on cluster terminal command directly without qsub but not postel3d, as you mention earlier it might not be possible at all.
But I have other ongoing problem that I try to fix as well, I think they all might have one source root: my telemac3d and 2d jobs are running in parallel but not really well, they go on queue, start to run and they stack, but at least I can run them on cluster terminal by executing telemac3d .... I was persistent to sort the postel problem as I needed to get cross section from my result files either way: parallel or serial. I attache the config and error files.
Thanks again, your help and advice are much appreciated.
Kind Regards!