Hello Everyone,
For last two days, I have tried to compile Telemac version v6p3r2 with OpenMPI (1.6.5) and Metis (4.0.3) by gfortran (4.8.2) via Python (2.7.4). The installation seems be ok, i.e. it always run and finish gracefully without any error. However, when I ran a test case, the
partel command always result error with the following message:
... modifying run command to PARTEL instruction
partitioning: T2DGEO
+> /home/tqviet/apps/telemac/v6p3r2/builds/py_gfortran_openmpi-165_metis-403/bin/partel < PARTEL.PAR >> partel_T2DGEO.log
At line 439 of file /home/tqviet/apps/telemac/v6p3r2/sources/utils/partel/partel.F (unit = 10, file = 'T2DGEO')
Fortran runtime error: End of file
... The following command failed for the reason above
/home/tqviet/apps/telemac/v6p3r2/builds/py_gfortran_openmpi-165_metis-403/bin/partel < PARTEL.PAR >> partel_T2DGEO.log
It's really weird for me to understand since I tried many times with both gfortran (4.8.2) and ifort (12.1.2), not only with metis 4.3.0 but also with 5.0.2 and 5.1.0 versions as well. After I failed on Arch Linux (my PC), I looked for a luck on Centos, but ... failure again. Both of cases showed the same error on the screen
Even when I had checked openMPI (1.6.5) carefully before the installations, e.g. it works properly with OpenFOAM.
Could you please help me to explain how to fix the error ? Herein I include:
- systel.cfg
- partel_T2DGEO.log
- output of the screen
- list of files in folder
- cas file
Thank you in advance :)
PS: the example that I tried with is in folder telemac/v6p3r2/examples/telemac2d/tide/