Some comments about your steering file:
- it's preferable to use coupled approach between hydrodynamics and sediment, especially for suspension process which is better represented with a Telemac-2D/Sisyphe coupling
- you should keep the default value for CRITICAL EVOLUTION RATIO. With such a high value, you allow the model to compute unreal bed evolution. A value of 1 should be enough
- you provide a bottom friction coefficient, but no associated law
- BED-LOAD TRANSPORT FORMULA = 11 is not possible (I believe)
- CRITICAL EROSION SHEAR STRESS OF THE MUD has the dimension of the NUMBER OF BED LOAD MODEL LAYERS (i.e. 1 from your steering file). So your second value (100) will be useless.
Maybe you should consider only one class first, before considering a mixed approach.
I hope it helps.