Hello Youssef,
Since I ussually use a custom CFG file for windows/linux installation I didn't realize that actually the automatic installer is broken for V8P0, which I noticed by starting from the top just to check what might be happening. The CFG file that the installer creates has the following issues:
* (Missing) The cmd_obj_c line for mascaret compilation
* (Missing) -cpp flag in cmd_obj line
* (deprecated) Lines incs_partel, incs_xxx... and libs_xxx are now condensed in incs_all and libs_all respectively [ your issue]
Therefore, you are better replacing the entire content of the cfg file created by the automatic installer (systel_parallel_v8p0.cfg I believe) by this one:
# _____ _______________________________
# ____/ TELEMAC Project Definitions /______________________________/
configs: wing64mpi
# _____ ____________________________________
# ____/ Windows gfortran parallel /___________________________________/
root: C:\opentelemac-mascaret\v8p0
language: 2
modules: clean system
mpi_cmdexec: C:\opentelemac-mascaret\mpich2\bin\mpiexec.exe -wdir <wdir> -n <ncsize> <exename>
cmd_obj_c: gcc -c <srcName> -o <objName>
cmd_obj: gfortran -c -cpp -O3 -fconvert=big-endian -DHAVE_MPI -frecord-marker=4 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_lib: ar cru <libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: gfortran -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -v -lm -o <exename> <objs> <libs>
mods_all: -I <config>
sfx_obj: .o
#incs_parallel: -I C:\opentelemac-mascaret\mpich2\include
#incs_special: -I C:\opentelemac-mascaret\mpich2\include
#libs_partel: C:\opentelemac-mascaret\metis\lib\libmetis.a
incs_all: -I C:\opentelemac-mascaret\mpich2\include
libs_all: C:\opentelemac-mascaret\mpich2\lib\libfmpich2g.a C:\opentelemac-mascaret\metis\lib\libmetis.a
sfx_zip: .zip
sfx_lib: .lib
sfx_obj: .o
sfx_mod: .mod
sfx_exe: .exe
val_root: <root>\examples
val_rank: all
That should complete the compilation process successfully on Windows after firing "compileTELEMAC.py" again. Don't forget to test some examples to check that everything is OK!
José D.