I don't try to install TELEMAC v8p0 on windows 10. The automatic installation stops with the warning message "Problem running post-install step....." (message in attachement) and at the end of the procedure, I have an error message "...Program ended with an error exit code..." (message in attachement).
A the end of installation, I have the two cmd shortcut for Telemac v8p0 and Telemac v8p0 parallel but the running of example on telemac 2D doesn't work.
When I try to do a cmd compileTELEMAC.py. I have this message "Could not find the following module: 'dredgesim'"
In some topics I read to remove "-dredgsim" in your config file (systel_v8p0.cfg), but what's the module ? And when I remove it, the compilation don't still work .
Can someone help me finish my installation ?
Thank you very much.