Hello Joy,
You have the correct procedure indeed.
Please note that for Step 2 (change mpi_telemac.conf) that file is provided as an example, but you do have to midify it to include the name of your computer(s) and the number of cores (or processors) you wish to use. This number has to be the same as what you put your CAS file under PARALLEL PROCESSORS. Moreover, that file mpi_telemac.conf needs to be in your project directory, where your CAS file is.
In your exmaple of mpi_telemac.conf, you should modify the name of the computer (i.e. distel-2000):
Note that in the new version of TELEMAC, which is coming soon (its Python version will not require that file anymore).
If you do not need to recompile TELEMAC, then you can leave FC_MPI, LK_MPI .. as they are. You can update LIBS_MPI="""C:\Program Files\MPICH2\lib\fmpich2.lib" so it points to your installation of MPICH2.
As for the RUN_MPI command, please only choose one (comment the one as follows:
#- PC multiprocesseurs
RUN_MPI="mpiexec -localonly <N> <EXE>"
#- réseau de PCs
#RUN_MPI="mpiexec -file mpirun.txt"
#RUN_MPI="mpiexec -logon : -machinefile mpirun.txt -n <N> <EXE>"
To answer your last question, it does not matter how many cores or processors you physically have on your computer(s). Windows will sort out the memeroy swap between your job as activated by running TELEMAC in parallel. So the numbers are up to you. Of course, if you say you want your simulation on two cores but you only have one, it will be just as fast (slow) as runing your simulation in scalar mode.
Hope this helps,