I've been playing with a new version of TELEMAC and I ran into a problem with a Python script named "runcode.py" in scalar mode. After succesfully completing computation and copying the solution file from the temporary directory to the solution directory the following message is printed:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\TELEMAC\V6P0\bin\runcode.py", line 632, in <module>
File "C:\TELEMAC\V6P0\bin\runcode.py", line 511, in runCAS
if not processECR(cas,oFS,CASDir,TMPDir,sortiefile,ncsize): sys.exit()
File "C:\TELEMAC\V6P0\bin\runcode.py", line 156, in processECR
if sortiefile.rstrip() != '':
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'rstrip'
Last line suggests that the command in line 156 is not correct. The correct command for line 156 is:
if sortiefile is not None
(Another way to correct this error is to change the line 404 to
sortiefile = '').
After this modification, aforementioned error did not appear in scalar version. My modified version of file
runcode.py is provided in the attachment.
Best regards,