Hello all.
I've been following the instructions in the user's manuals and in the forum and still can't import a dxf file into Matisse (V2P1R1) on my PC. The funny thing is that the exact same dxf file can be imported without any problems on my laptop, which has the same version of Matisse and Telemac2D as my PC. My laptop has Windows XP and my PC Windows 7.
- I already installed cp
- I click on "ANNULER" when this message appears:
"attention, format recuperé de la sauvegarde d'image incounnu"
- the dxf file is in the format AutoCAD R12/LT2
- I'm in the "lignes geo." mode
- there are no spaces in the names of any of the paths (the file is here: d:\telemac2D\test1\file.dxf)
Thanks in advance!