It seems to me that the command cfgmak must be done in a DOS window in the directory where is the systel.ini configuration file. The result is the file cfgmak.mak. As the command cfgmak.bat only runs the perl command cfgmak.pl, it could be that perl is not properly installed, or the path to perl not properly set. When it works, there is a message saying "Mise a jour du fichier cfgmak.mak terminee" or something like that and you can see this file in the folder. Here it seems that this file does not exist, which is a hint that either cfgmak.pl did not work, or that it was not executed in the right place. Another explanation could be that the DOS variable SYSTELCFG is not pointing to the right directory, and the file cfgmak.mak would then be stored elsewhere.
With best regards,