If you understand, you have 3 liquid boundaries:
- the 1st one where with prescribed elevation from tide (in your ASCII file),
- the last 2 ones with prescrided flowrates.
In 3D, you use a LIQUID BOUNDARIES FILE, do not you?
My question is: which tidal level do you really want to prescribe, the one from this LIQUID BOUNDARIES FILE or the one from TPXO-type tidal solutions?
In the first case, you do not need to fill in the keyword called OPTION FOR TIDAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS and then, you will not occur the error message.
In the second case, this keyword has to be set with relevant values (read the TELEMAC-3D user and reference manuals), and then you have to also fill in the keyword TIDAL DATA BASE.
If you use LIQUID BOUNDARIES FILE, OPTION FOR TIDAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS and TIDAL DATA BASE with no default values in 2D, the boundary conditions computed for the 1st boundary for TPXO solution overwrite the one in LIQUID BOUNDARIES FILE.
Hope this helps,