Hello Taylor,
My first advice is to use the latest release available (currently v8p4r0) and start from subroutines of this release (e.g. sources/telemac3d/bord3d.f + examples/telemac2d/wind_txy/user_fortran/meteo.f).
For BORD3D subroutine, since release v8p2, for example, there has been a few changes:
- bug fixes,
- adding of a new argument when calling STA_DIS_CUR dealing with a new keyword (this last item may lead to segmentation fault).
For modified meteo of the wind_txy, there has been an optimisation improvement which may be usefull for you.
Anyway, if segmentation fault issues still occur, you should do as if you get NaN (Not a Number) and told in other posts: you should use a debug configuration with debug options to investigate.
See e.g. the S10.gfortran.debug configuration in the $HOMETEL/configs/systel.edf.cfg configuration file, in particular the flag fflags_debug_gfo for gfortran compiler.
fflags_debug_gfo: -g -Wall -fcheck=all -fbacktrace -fbounds-check -finit-integer=-1 -finit-real=nan -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow
It will show in which subroutine the issue/nan/segfault occurs, the first suspicious line and may help you to change something in your computation.
Hope this helps,