I am new to Telemac and try to model sediment transport in 3D. Right now I face some problems to properly run a test case.
(In fact it is running, but I doubt the results.)
I found the following post no #4600, and am wondering if/where that 3D-example (would be really useful) can be found.
>we are planning to include a full 3D example for suspended sediment transport >for the next release of the Telemac system.
The rouse validation case (even after looking into the .dico files) are still problematic to understand (since I don't speak french I guess).
So I want to ask:
Can anyone offer some help, piece of code or explanations (english)?
How to set the input conditions for the sediment would interest me the most.
I also tried to understand the code, unfortunately running into the dessed.f routine which looks a bit frightening - and again uses some french.
So I want to ask what does Layer IPF mean ?
and what exactly is that file writing (what formula is used for calculating these values)?
I get 15 distinct layers, although I did not specify to get 15 bottom layers (so I expected to get 2 of them) in the sedimentological output file.
Each layer is having a constant value.
And I hoped to find the answer to what is calculated in this subroutine - but am unable to read it properly.
So I am thankful for every hint that spares me the time to "translate"
the whole subroutine (from fortran to s.th. that i understand).
Thanks in advance