Hi Chi-Tuan and thanks you very much for you reply!
Yes, I agree with you: I can compile and run the module when I call its subroutines in BORD3D subroutine. I also had to declare in the BORD3D subroutine all the new variables used in the module.
I have run some sensitivity analysis to check if it is running fine:
*I compared SOLRAD values in runs during night or day. SOLRAD was equal to zero during the night and equal to about 800 W/m2 at midday (in clear sky conditions). These orders of magnitude seem correct.
*Atmosphere radiation and water radiation were higher when air and water temperature were warmer respectively. So these radiations seem correctly computed with correct orders of magnitude.
*I also managed to model sea evaporation in "extrem" conditions (high wind speed, no cloud, warm water temperature, ...). Nevertheless, the cooling of water during evaporation was not simulated so I assume that latent heat is not taken into account even if it is calculated (FLUX_EVAP).
*As I could not warm up water temperature with solar radiation, I assume sensible heat is calculated (FLUX_SENS) but is not taken into account neither.
As I need to model these processes, I tried to amend the code.
The code modifications I have done so far in BORD3D subroutine are:
*to calculate the total radiation that go through the free surface (using telemac variables, I find for the total radiation: RAY_TOTAL = RAY_SOL + RAY_ATM - RAY_EAU - FLUX_EVAP - FLUX_SENS)
*to calculate the absorption of heat for each layer (absorption decreases exponentionaly with water depth)
Then I plan to:
*calculate in BORD3D the temperature variations due to heat flux in each layer
*introduce these temperature variations in the code.
As rain temperature is taken into account in the latest version of Telemac3d, I guess I have to include temperature variations due to heat flux in the subroutines that take account of rain temperature.
So I selected all the subroutines using the variable TRAIN (for rain temperature). I believe I have to amend the following subroutines:
1)Can you please confirm that the latent and sensible heat are not computed in the current Telemac3d version?
2) Can you please tell me if what I intend to do seems correct and if the subroutines I list above are the one that have to be amended to take account of temperature aspects?
I hope this post is clear enough...
Many thanks if you have any comments on my method or answers to my questions.