Dear Users,
I am running a tidal case on North Sea region and getting small amplitudes in comparison with measured data. It could be due to the wrong friction coefficient I use. The Low of Bottom Friction I chose as Chezy Law. I am battled with Friction Coefficient for the Bottom. The equation states: Cd=2g/(Ch)^2. My question is: Is Chezy coefficient Ch already specified somewhere in subroutine or I have to come up with it in order to be able to derive the Cd coefficient so I could enter it in steering file.
Also I know the Nikuradse Ks I can use as 0.05, so I could derive the Cd from there too, and then get Ch, but I am not sure in Cd=2[K/log(12h/Ks)]^2, what K stands for?
Could I get your advice if by experimenting with friction coefficient is enough to adjust the tidal amplitude difference or I still have to use Coefficient to Calibrate Tidal Range what I am trying to avoid so far?
Thank you in advance.
Kind Regards!