Dear All,
Just a quick question. It could be some little type somewhere in Friction coefficients/Laws subroutine. I am running a tidal simulation for South North Sea region. I am testing various Nikuradse Friction Coefficients with Nikuradse Law for bottom friction. The cases run fine with coefficients: 0.01, 0.02, 0.04. But it did not work for 0.03, 0.05 and 0.08? It gives me a message as GRACJC (BIEF): EXCEEDING MAX ITERATIONS: 500 Relative Precision: NaN.
Strange that it works for some coefficients and does not for others. The message appears on 9th day of model run. As fortran file I am using only tidal_model_t3d.f file. Could you please point me into right direction where problem might come from. I did not specify any frictions on latteral boundaries, but then it still works for 0.01. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Kind Regards!