Hi Joanna,
Your question peeked my curiosity.
So I set out to see if I could generate a mesh this large (> 15 Mil nodes) efficiently. I used my gis2mesh.py script that uses Triangle as the mesh generation engine. I made a 100 m x 100 m box, and asked Triangle to generate a mesh with an area constraint of 0.00075 sq. m (meaning the area of every triangle in the mesh had to be less than this value). This amounts to edge lengths of 25-50 mm.
Triangle generated a mesh having 10,349,741 nodes and 20,686,255 elements in a manner of seconds (including writing the 750 MB nodes and 580 MB element files). Triangle is very fast at this. I couldn't quite make to 15 Mil nodes, as I ran out of memory. Parsing Triangle's output took about 7 min to convert it to an ADCIRC format, and another 7 min to convert ADCIRC mesh to *.vtk format to view it in Paraview. I didn't bother generating a *.slf file, as I wouldn't have a clue what to do with a mesh that large.
Anyhow, if you are working with such large meshes perhaps you could give Triangle mesh generator a try. It is very quick.