I have been doing many, many deep internal things related to attributes. Now, the effect of my changes are starting to show up. I like this because now it is very clear for me what is going on.
In your case, since the attribute is a "oneof", there are 2 possible things to write into an *.xyz file. One is the category, such as "black" and the other is the value, such as 12. In the case of the *.xyz file the category value does not make sense, I suppose. But for other file types a decision will need to be made about what should be written out. I will need to handle them on a case-by-case basis.
I will look at the code that writes out the *.xyz data and I will write out the value (e.g. 12) in order to let the old behaviour stay...
I just tried saving as a *.pt2 file; a conversion from "oneof" to "double" seems to have occurred... however, it looks like some testing is also needed in this area because the values do not look correct! sigh... testers are always very much appreciated
Sorry about this; I will get these small fixes completed and included in the next Blue Kenue alpha...