The last time Trigrid was improved upon by its authors was in 1998 -- it has not been developed since. Although I used to use Trigrid a lot, and Canadian Hydraulics (nrc-ocre.gc.ca) have recompiled the source with a recent Intel Fortran compiler in 2007, I have never see a manual for the software (maybe our Canadian friends know of one ?).
The person who last work on it was Adrian Dolling, at the time at Channel Consulting Ltd., Victoria, BC, Canada. Maybe you can trace the author ?
Again, this is not a software we support on this site. Rather I would advise you to use Blue Kenue from Canadian Hydraulics (nrc-ocre.gc.ca). Blue Kenue produces very nice mesh if you can spend a little bit of your time learning how to use it.
Can you tell us why you are after Trigrid ?
Hope this helps,