Dear all,
I found a difficulty in viewing the plot of velocity vector when using Blue Kenue especially at the small grid area within a composite grid mesh. Does the Blue Kenue has a skip function as from the Tecplot?
Besides, how could I configure my systel.cfg to include the Tecplot support as I found some lines within the edf configuration file (cmd_obj += -DHAVE_TECPLOT; libs_all += <path-to-teplot>/tecplot.a), but I have no idea of how to reach the 'tecplot.a'. If procedures are just like the same as to make the 'libmetis.a' that have been provided as an optional from the automatic installer, how could I make the 'tecplot.a' from the provided Tecplot_AddOns directory?
I am using Tecplot 360 2013, instead of Tecplot 10 that indicated has been used within the edf configuration.
Kind regards,