Sorry but calculator support for 3D Telemac objects hasn't been implemented yet.
In the meantime,
Option 1:
You can extract 2D individual layers see "Tools->Extract Layer" to
obtain a UV field.
Option 2:
You can also extract timeseries at a point.
Select any point as you normally would and then
use "Tools->Extract TimeSeries->At Selected Point"
This will generate a ts2 object with 2 additional hidden attributes.
(ts2 is normally only U and V, actually mag&dir)
Select the ts2 object and then "<right-click>->Show Attribute Table"
The resulting table contains <timestamp>, horizontal scalar speed, direction, W and node elevation.
This can then can be saved to an ASCII file for further processing.
Option 3:
You can save the current frame as an ASCII t4v file.
Use "File->Save Copy As"
t4v is a tetrahedral mesh file. (very similar in layout to t3s format)
First section defines node information ie X, Y, Z, U, V, W
Second section defines tetrahedral elements n1,n2,n3,n4
Hope this helps.
Cheers... Martin