I am doing a work very similar to Ophélie, but my job is not confidential. At present I downloaded the r2d / r3d_hycom_file data from the converthycom.py script, and built the binary selafin file by using the r3d_hycom_file data and the convert_to_bnd.py script. (by the way, r2d can be opend in BK, but r3d not)
I checked the solutions that you mentioned earlier, but still get errors when using convert_to_bnd script.
Traceback (most recent call last): ] 0% | ---s
File "convert_to_bnd.py", line 232, in <module>
generate_bnd(cli_file, geo_file, slf_file, bnd_file)
File "convert_to_bnd.py", line 209, in generate_bnd
data = get_value_history_slf(slf.file, slf.tags, [itime], support3d,
File "C:\Users\chenyangspain\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\formats\parser_selafin.py", line 148, in get_value_history_slf
varsor = unpack(endian+str(npoin3)+ftype, f.read(fsize*npoin3))
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 54912 bytes
if you could be have time,also you can check my post currently #35315 conver_to_bnd.py script occurred struct error
you can check my file, conditions and my commands of scripts. sorry about reactivate this post, i truly need someone who using HyCOM data helping me. but take your time
thanks in advance.