First I would like to thank the researchers who shared these scripts.
then i got 3d data provided by convert_hycom.py script and i try to use conver_to_bnd.py script to build a "binary boundary data file" which is prescribed the 3d_hycom data to the boundary points of my Mesh.
However, this script keeps occurring this error:
Traceback (most recent call last): ] 0% | ---s
File "convert_to_bnd.py", line 232, in <module>
generate_bnd(cli_file, geo_file, slf_file, bnd_file)
File "convert_to_bnd.py", line 209, in generate_bnd
data = get_value_history_slf(slf.file, slf.tags, [itime], support3d,
File "C:\Users\chenyangspain\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\formats\parser_selafin.py", line 148, in get_value_history_slf
varsor = unpack(endian+str(npoin3)+ftype, f.read(fsize*npoin3))
struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 54912 bytes
My open boundary prescribed with 566 and Tracer as 4
i did the following work try to solver the error.
- I checked the consistency of Geo.slf and Boundary.cli mesh and the range of both is in the hycom data mesh.
- I changed the mesh from UTM to longitude and latitude coordinates, consistent with hycom data mesh.
- Attempted to set up the open boundary away from the coastline, in order to allow hycom data to be written (buz i found that the mesh accuracy of hycom is too large with my mesh)
After doing those above works, convert_to_bnd.py script still got the above error "struct.error: unpack requires a buffer of 54912 bytes"
Does anyone know how should i do any works to solver the problem?
thanks in advance!