Hi there,
I have done a bit of work previously on making Telemac3D files accessible to Opendrift using the Telemac3D scripts.
I know would like to port my results into a cloud environment. The best thing is to make xarray datasets into zarr at the moment.
However, to do so it is preferable to make your data CF-Compliant.
Is there anyone that mapped all the potential Telemac variables and tried to map them against their CF equivalent?
I have done it on the case by case basis but not in a systemic way. I feel that could be interesting for a number of project to exploit Telemac results in a cloud environment.
Here an example of the mapping with python dictionaries
Vars_OD = {
'VELOCITY U ': 'x_sea_water_velocity',
'VELOCITY V ': 'y_sea_water_velocity',
'VELOCITY W ': 'upward_sea_water_velocity',
'TURBULENT ENERGY': 'turbulent_kinetic_energy',
'TEMPERATURE ': 'sea_water_temperature',
'SALINITY ': 'sea_water_salinity',
'NUZ FOR VELOCITY': 'ocean_vertical_diffusivity',
'NUX FOR VELOCITY': 'horizontal_diffusivity',
'ELEVATION Z ': 'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level',
No_OD_equiv = {
'x_wind', 'y_wind', 'wind_speed',
'sea_floor_depth_below_sea_level', 'wind_from_direction',
'sea_ice_x_velocity', 'sea_ice_y_velocity',
'sea_ice_area_fraction', 'surface_downward_x_stress',
'surface_downward_y_stress', 'turbulent_generic_length_scale'
No_Telemac_equiv = {