I have compiled the new release v8p1r0 on my university cluster using the python 3 option. When I run a simulation it fails and gives me the following error:
In /home/ma211/TEC3D/ReDAPT/:
mpirun --prefix /usr/lib64/openmpi -np 36 /home/ma211/TEC3D/ReDAPT/out_telemac3d
Warning: Permanently added '[node25]:34832,[]:34832' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
mpirun was unable to launch the specified application as it could not access
or execute an executable:
Executable: /home/ma211/TEC3D/ReDAPT/out_telemac3d
Node: node22
while attempting to start process rank 0.
36 total processes failed to start
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ma211/telemac/v8p1//scripts/python3/telemac3d.py", line 7, in <module>
File "/home/ma211/telemac/v8p1/scripts/python3/runcode.py", line 272, in main
run_study(cas_file, code_name, options)
File "/home/ma211/telemac/v8p1/scripts/python3/execution/run_cas.py", line 157, in run_study
run_local_cas(my_study, options)
File "/home/ma211/telemac/v8p1/scripts/python3/execution/run_cas.py", line 65, in run_local_cas
File "/home/ma211/telemac/v8p1/scripts/python3/execution/study.py", line 610, in run
File "/home/ma211/telemac/v8p1/scripts/python3/execution/study.py", line 445, in run_local
run_code(self.run_cmd, self.sortie_file)
File "/home/ma211/telemac/v8p1/scripts/python3/execution/run.py", line 182, in run_code
raise TelemacException('Fail to run\n'+exe)
utils.exceptions.TelemacException: Fail to run
mpirun --prefix /usr/lib64/openmpi -np 36 /home/ma211/TEC3D/ReDAPT/out_telemac3d
When I re-compile it using python 2.75 it works fine.
Any thoughts on what could be the problem?
I've noticed when I compile using python 3, when I run the simulation it shows the trunk version. When I use python 2.7 is shows v8p1r0