Yes indeed, the rain was not implemented with finite volumes in 7.2 but changes are being made by Riadh in the trunk.
You can get rain working with FV in 7.2.0 if you do the following (sorry not to have mentionned that earlier):
- use the attached prosou subroutine (the version 7.2 is not optimized for FV and the CALL to the subroutine RUNOFF_SCS_CN is within a IF(BANDEC) test (tidal flats which is not used in FV)). The attached routine is a quick fix. I just made the changes but did not actually try to compile it, check it though but I got something similar working.
- get the subroutine majzz.f from the trunk and add it without modifications to your fortran file (it has been updated in the trunk only)
I have a question for Riadh: I saw that there is a new prosou_fv.in the trunk. I guess it is called if using FV. In this version too there is the test IF(BANDEC)... in the rain section, so this should maybe be changed to be 100% compatible with FV.
Good luck,