Dear Jacques,
yesterday I tried to start from a completely new set-up, with less options activated. It is still running, but it seems to have a more stable behaviour, not waves propagations, homogeneous velocity field, and Qout is slowly reaching Qin value.
But... even if .cli file was unchanged, the imposed H at the outlet is not respected! So water depht varies from about 0.50 at the inlet to about 0.25 at the outlet.
(in attachment as case 2: .cas file, geometry, .cli, and actual last time step of resulting slf )
Coming back to the old .cas (it respects water depth at outle but yes, velocity field is different at each time step!)
and to your last suggestion:
- in order to use Thompson have I only to change
OPTION FOR LIQUID BOUNDARIES=2;1 (instead of 1;1) ?
or do I have to add something else?
- do I have to change .cli file, or is it still ok 544 condition for the outlet?
(in attachment as case 1: updated .cas file, .slf geometry, .cli, and last time step of the old resulting slf that could be used as the restarting point--> even if it has not homogeneous )
- Do you suggest to continue with case1 (where many advanced options are activated), or to use the new case2 (simplier , maybe I could try there Thompson)?
Best regards, Eleonora