I launched a simulation with 2 rating curves for my 2 outlets and 1 upstream rating curve for my inlet. I added a liquid boundary file which gives the discharge for the inlet. The problem is that the discharge is not respected. I prescribed 3727 m3/s and there is only 700 m3/s.
What I'm doing wrong? Is I need to change the type of upstream rating curve (Q(Z) instead of Z(Q))?
My case is particular. This is the Rhône River delta. Downstream, there is a diffluence where the Rône River is divided into 2 channels. That why I have 2 outlets.
I take a look at the Froude number of my previous simulations and there are just few points where the Froude number is upper than 1 (1 node for the inlet). So we can't say that the flow is supercritical.
Any suggestions?