Yes, I refer to dimensional analysis, and I just remark that in your formula :
s*T must have the same dimension (in the sense of units) than dT/dt, and as dT has the same dimension as T it means that s should have the same dimension as 1/dt, which is the inverse of a time. Elsewhere in your formulas you have 10*s+1, which means that s should have no dimension, so there is a problem here, in the sense that your formulas are not independent of the choice of units. This would be the first thing to sort out before going further, you seem to be lacking a coefficient in your formula.
If we check PRIVE%ADR(1)%P%R(I), it is compared to CS%ADR(1)%P%R(I), and has thus no dimension, assuming that CS is cubic meters of sediment per cubic meters of water. PRIVE%ADR(1)%P%R(I) is equal to:
and (U%R(I)**2+V%R(I)**2)/(GRAV*H%R(I)) has no dimension (it is the Froude number squared). I guess that 2650.D0 is kg/m**3, so it is dimensionly correct if 0.0273D0 is in m**3/kg ?
With best regards,
Jean-Michel Hervouet