Dear Jean-Michele,
Thank you for your advice. The case had run for 6 days with big time step, ok, apart of exceeding number of iterations, but completed fine. The only problem was that with Scheme for Advection of Velocity = 14 the stratification was destroyed from the very start. I have played around before with all Schemes (however 5 gave me different error message, but not detailed, so I am not sure why it did not work) and looks like only Method of Characteristics gives me the stable stratification, unless maybe other parameters should be tuned as well, so I could use other Schemes too. So far the Method of Characteristics works with time step 1sec. It is quite slow but it is working, and that is fine with me, as case is very complicated. Thank you for your help. Let me know if there are more ideas I can try. In mean time I will be experimenting too and let you know if any progress there :).
Kind Regards!