Hi all,
I thought I would share my installation process for the OTM suite on macOS. Since it is Unix-like, and I have seen others have success with it on the forum, I thought it would work with a bit of adaptation from the
Linux procedures.
The main change is that since macOS does not come with a package manager, I had to select and install one. I went with
Homebrew, but of course you are free to choose your own and adapt the instructions below in consequence.
As well, I am installing at the system level, in /opt/telemac; you may want to install it locally, such as in ~/opt/telemac, instead. In that case, use $HOME/opt (or wherever) instead of /opt.
Finally, I use gcc for compilation and mpich for parallelism, but you are free to substitute any compiler and parallelism module, such as ifort or openmpi.
To begin, if you do not already have a package manager, install
Homebrew as per instructions on their website. Then, run the following commands in the terminal to install the dependencies:
brew install python gcc git git-lfs mpich metis
pip install numpy scipy matplotlib
If you have other packages you want, install them using Homebrew or from source; you're on your own for this step as I have never needed, let alone successfully installed/compiled, any others.
With these installed, run the following commands to download OTM, replacing <latest-version> with v8p4r0 or whatever is newest (note, there might be another way to do this and access updates more readily, but I'm not aware of it):
mkdir -p /opt/telemac
chown <your-username> /opt/telemac
cd /opt/telemac
git clone https://gitlab.pam-retd.fr/otm/telemac-mascaret.git <latest-version>
cd <latest-version>
git checkout tags/<latest-version>
cd configs
I am providing my config files below. Note that paths to libraries like MPICH and METIS may differ slightly. Name this one pysource.macos.sh:
### TELEMAC settings -----------------------------------------------------------
# TELEMAC version number
export TELVER=v8p4r0
# Path to telemac root dir
export HOMETEL=/opt/telemac/$TELVER
# Adding python scripts to PATH
export PATH=$HOMETEL/scripts/python3:.:$PATH
# Configuration file
export SYSTELCFG=$HOMETEL/configs/systel.macos.cfg
# Name of the configuration to use
export USETELCFG=gfort-mpich
# Path to this file
export SOURCEFILE=$HOMETEL/configs/pysource.macos.sh
### Python
# To force python to flush its output
### API
export PYTHONPATH=$HOMETEL/scripts/python3:$PYTHONPATH
### MPI -----------------------------------------------------------
export MPIHOME=/usr/local/opt/mpich
export PATH=$MPIHOME/bin:$PATH
### EXTERNAL LIBRARIES -----------------------------------------------------------
### METIS -------------------------------------------------------------
export METISHOME=/usr/local/opt/metis
This is the config file, which again uses certain paths which are assumed from using Homebrew. If you are feeling brave, you can replace -O3 with -Ofast (honestly, I don't know how much of a difference it makes!). With credit to
this post:
# _____ _______________________________
# ____/ TELEMAC Project Definitions /______________________________/
# based on systel.cis-ubuntu.cfg from v7p2r0
configs: gfort gfort-mpich
# _____ ____________________________________
# ____/ General /___________________________________/
# Global declaration that are true for each configuration
language: 2
modules: system
cmd_lib: ar cru <libname> <objs>
mods_all: -I <config>
sfx_zip: .zip
sfx_lib: .so
sfx_obj: .o
sfx_mod: .mod
val_root: <root>/examples
val_rank: all
cmd_obj_c: gcc -c <srcName> -o <objName>
# _____ ____________________________________
# ____/ Mac OS X gfortran scalar /___________________________________/
cmd_obj: gfortran -cpp -c -O3 -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_exe: gfortran -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -v -o <exename> <objs> <libs>
# _____ ____________________________________
# ____/ Mac OS X gfortran mpich /___________________________________/
brief: parallel mode, using mpiexec directly (of the MPICH2 package).
The only difference with the scalar versions (debugged) is the presence
of the key mpi_cmdexec and the -DHAVE_MPI compilation directive.
Of course, you also need the key par_cmdexec.
Finally, note that this configuration also works whether
processor is 0 or 1.
par_cmdexec: <config>/partel < <partel.par> >> <partel.log>
mpi_cmdexec: mpiexec -wdir <wdir> -n <ncsize> <exename>
cmd_obj: gfortran -cpp -c -O3 -fbounds-check -fbacktrace -finit-real=nan -DHAVE_MPI -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 <mods> <incs> <f95name>
cmd_exe: mpifort -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -lpthread -v -lm -o <exename> <objs> <libs>
#these lines may have to begin with incs_all and libs_all instead of incs and libs, but I'm not 100% sure
incs: -I $MPIHOME/include -I $METISHOME/include
libs: $METISHOME/lib/libmetis.dylib -L $MPIHOME/lib
With these in place, you can run the following commands, and hopefully all goes well:
source pysource.macos.sh
If not, check the errors, usually they will be somewhat helpful even if a bit cryptic.
If compilation is successful, you can try running one of the example cases with however many cores/threads you have/want (4 in this case). However, you will have to
"actually" download the large selafins first before running them:
git lfs install
git lfs pull
cd /opt/telemac/<latest-version>/examples/telemac2d/gouttedo
#or cd ../examples if you are still in configs
telemac2d.py --ncsize=4 t2d_gouttedo.cas
Finally, to be able to load the OTM environment, you can create a symlink/alias to the pysource file in your home folder, and then load it on demand using source:
ln -s /opt/telemac/<latest-version>/configs/pysource.macos.sh $HOME/telemac.sh
source ~/telemac.sh
If you want, you can add the source command to your .zshrc or .bashrc so the commands are loaded at terminal login, or add an alias to load them at any time:
# contents of your .zshrc ...
# To load commands at login
source /opt/telemac/<latest-version>/configs/pysource.macos.sh
# To add an alias (change otm to another name if you want)
alias otm='source /opt/telemac/<latest-version>/configs/pysource.macos.sh'
# further contents of your .zshrc ...
I hope this helps! If you run into any issues and manage to fix them, please let me know and I will incorporate these changes. I can't guarantee I will be able to help you with issues, though, as I'm just sharing what worked for me and am not affiliated with the OTM consortium.