I have not understood your question "which value is indication the porosity here below?".
Anyway, if you want to modify Fortran files, I strongly recommend you to learn Fortran and read the developer guide available here after:
Not too much time to explain line by line what is implemented in simple Fortan files.
Porosity field is stored in local variable POROS (argument of this subroutine). It is defined here depending on the abscissa of the element (here to be accurate, the center of gravity of the triangle):
- 19/20+1/20*(x-10)/10 or 19/20+1/20*(x+10)/10 or 19/20 and if inside a polygon, POR is a local variable of the subroutine.
- 0.2*(1+abs(x/50)) or 1 and if inside a polygon.
The drag force is not defined in the Fortran file dedicated to porosity (user_corpor) but in user_dragfo, stored in FUDRAG and FVDRAG that will be used for the source terms of equations.