Be careful when you manipulate BIEF_OBJ.
Suffix %R is for real and %I is for integer.
-Thanks for this clarification, it is what I suspected but I was not quite sure. I've tried both and neither have worked for me. I'll keep trying things out.
You should look at how BORD subroutine is implemented. Both UBOR+VBOR and U+V arrays are filled in.
-I have been using the bord.f subroutine for guidance. I am using essentially the same syntax that is used.
What do you mean by "but this does not work." in your 1st post? Please write the listing file if there is a written error or tell more.
-To clarify, the fortran compiler doesn't give me any error and the telemac system runs as usual, but the values I want are not imposed. It runs as if I had not modified the user_bord.f file at all. This made me think that my algorithm was wrong, but when I changed the method to instead change the UBOR and VBOR values the program worked, so I suspected that it was something that I was doing with the syntax of U%R and V%R. Does LIHBOR and LIUBOR need to be set to a specific value in order to change U%R and V%R at the boundary nodes?
What you can try is to use BOUNDARY_COLOUR array as it is done in BORD_TIDE subroutine. It is an array which corresponds to the last column of the boundary conditions file if you use SERAFIN format. If you do not change it, it corresponds to the number of the line (and number of the boundary nodes) and it works in parallel (as partitioned). Convenient if you need to locate a boundary node for boundary treatments
-I will look into this, thanks.
What I want though, when I write:
U%R(MESH%IKLE%R(IELEM,1)), which I guess should be,
is to get the velocity at the nodes which are adjacent to the boundary nodes and not boundary nodes themselves. i.e. the nodes that flow into the boundary nodes. For this I figured I must loop through each of the boundary elements and pick the node that is itself not a boundary node using the example outlined in figure 5.5 on page 83 of the developer's manual.
Be careful if you implement something with hard-coded number of nodes, the numbering is not the same in parallel
-Yes, my code isn't very general yet I am just trying to get it to work properly for one particular mesh and then I will make it a bit more sophisticated. I am not using any parallel computation at this point.