* you have to change the names of the files you are using: for instance if you fortran file is called example.f you have to change the corresponding line in the steering file such that:
FORTRAN FILE = example.f
and so on (geometry, boundary conditions files etc...)
* In the fortran file you have a subroutine which is called CONDIN that you can adapt to your case in order to introduce your initial conditions
* In the steering file, it is specified that you will use "SAINT-VENANT FV" with "FINITE VOLUME SCHEME = 2" which correscponds to second order kinetic scheme. This solver is explicit in time with a big restriction in the time step and it is available only in sequential version (no parallelisme yet). Unless, you are interested to the shock-capturing behavior, it is more convenient, at least until now, to use the following key words
This allows you to use much bigger time steps and to run in parallel.
With my kind regards