I am not sure you have correctly understood one of my previous answer:
What is not standard for TELEMAC is the IDWM_T2D subroutine which is not in the sources folder. METEO subroutine is a standard subroutine available in standard TELEMAC but as written in the user manual, if you want to have meteo variable varying in time and space, you have to modify it.
What is available with TELEMAC for wind and air pressure are the following (as written in the user manual for the first 3 ones) without touching Fortran files:
- no wind (OPTION FOR WIND = 0),
- wind constant in time and space (OPTION FOR WIND = 1) provided by keywords,
- wind constant in space and variable in time (OPTION FOR WIND = 2) + see ASCII ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE,
- wind and/or air pressure and/or air temperature varying in space and time and stored in the BINARY ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE (see wind_txy example with steering file t2d_wind_txy_bin.cas and the BINARY ATMOSPHERIC DATA FILE = atm_wind_txy.slf). It is a SERAFIN file with variables with name WIND VELOCITY U, WIND VELOCITY V, SURFACE PRESSURE, AIR TEMPERATURE (that can be changed in METEO_SET_VAR_NAMES e.g. in FORTRAN FILE), these variables are stored at every node of the mesh and a few times. Between 2 times, a linear interpolation is done.
Except if using the last solution, as soon as you want to have wind variable in time and space, you have to implement something and adapt your input data to this implementation (or vice-versa).
Hope this helps,