I modeled an island with ARTEMIS to assess the wave climate in the area sheltered by a breakwater. It worked well...
But now I have to assess the incoming wave height along the breakwater, due to the refraction and shoaling. For this, I put a coefficient of reflection equal to 0 in order to avoid the interferences between the incoming and reflected waves. If I put Cr=0, is it possible that there are still some interferences?
The client asked to remove all the island in order to be sure that there are no interferences. I tried to remove it, but now the domain is totally empty and there are a lot of interferences between the liquid boundaries and the result is totally different than with the island in the model...
Do you have an idea?
With the first option (put Cr=0 for the breakwater) I get an increase of the wave height of 5%... I wonder about the confidence interval of ARTEMIS. Is 5% relevant?
Thanks a lot.
PS: I use ARTEMIS because the model was already ready, and we didn't want to create a new model to assess the wave height along the breakwater...