Hello JM,
Yes, you are correct, option 9 is the MUMPS solver, but it is not documented in the manual.
I am using case BTWI to test my installation of MUMPS. So far I have managed to compile MUMPS and the pre-requisite libraries (ScaLapack, Scotch).
I have used Scalapack v2.0.2, Scotch v5.1.12 and MUMPS v4.1.0.
Here is my config file:
# _____ ________________________________________
# ____/ windows generals /_______________________________________/
root: C:\opentelemac\v6p3r2
version: v6p3
language: 2
modules: clean bief artemis -dredgesim
options: parallel mpi
sfx_zip: .zip
sfx_lib: .lib
sfx_mod: .mod
sfx_exe: .exe
val_root: <root>\examples
val_rank: all
# also possible val_rank: <3 >7 6
# _____ ____________________________________
# ____/ Windows gfortran parallel MSMPI (Corei7) /___________________________________/
par_cmdexec: <config>\partel.exe < PARTEL.PAR >> <partel.log>
mpi_cmdexec: mpiexec.exe /wdir <wdir> /env MPICH_PORT_RANGE 10000,11000 /cores <ncsize> <exename>
cmd_obj: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran -march=corei7 -O2 -fopenmp -c -fno-range-check -ffixed-line-length-132 -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 <mods> <incs> <f95name> -DHAVE_MPI -DHAVE_MUMPS
cmd_lib: ar cru <libname> <objs>
cmd_exe: x86_64-w64-mingw32-gfortran -static -march=corei7 -O2 -fopenmp -fconvert=big-endian -frecord-marker=4 -v -o <exename> <objs> -Xlinker --start-group <libs>
mods_all: -I <config>
incs_parallel: -I c:\opentelemac\msmpi-4.2.4400.0-mingw-w64-x64\inc -I c:\opentelemac\mumps\include
libs_partel: c:\opentelemac\libmetis\libmetis64b_5.0.2.a
libs_all: c:\opentelemac\msmpi-4.2.4400.0-mingw-w64-x64\lib\libmsmpi.a -L c:\opentelemac\mumps\lib -ldmumps -lmumps_common -lpord -lscotch -lscotcherr -lscalapack
sfx_obj: .o
Initial testing has produced this error:
File Attachment:
File Name:
output.txtFile Size: 6 KB
Could this indicate the nature of my MUMPS installation problem?