River applications
Author |
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Size |
Sauvaget, David, Demmerle, Lefort |
1.25 Mo |
Maritime applications
Author |
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Language |
Size |
T. Denot |
112 Ko |
Dam break
Author |
Title |
Language |
Size |
J.M. Hervouet |
Modeling urban areas in dam-break flood-wave numerical simulation |
52 Ko |
Other applications: Algorithms - Numerical schemes / Algorithmes
Author |
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Language |
Size |
HR Wallingford |
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J.M. Hervouet |
Comparing numerical simulations of free surface flows using non-hydrostatic Navier-Stokes and Boussinesq equations |
188 Ko |
H. Paillere |
Multidimensional upwind residual distribution schemes for the Euler and Navier--Stokes equations on unstructured grids. |
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H. Deconinck, H. Paillere, R. Struijs, P.L. Roe |
Multidimensional upwind schemes based on fluctuation splitting for systems of conservation laws. |
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N. Goutal and F. Maurel |
A Finite Volume Solver for 1D Shallow-Water Equations Applied to an Actual River. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 2002; 38:1-19 |
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N. Goutal, J.-M. Lacombe, F. Zaoui and K. El-Kadi-Abderrezzak |
MASCARET: a 1-D Open-Source Software for Flow Hydrodynamic and Water Quality in Open Channel Networks. River Flow 2012 – Murillo (Ed.), pp. 1169-1174 |
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Other publications
- Hydrodynamique des écoulements à surface libre : Modélisation numérique avec la méthode des éléments finis (2003)
- Hydrodynamics of free surface flows: Modelling with the finite element method (2007)