
The XXIInd TELEMAC-MASCARET conference took place at STFC Daresbury Laboratory in Liverpool on 15 and 16 October 2015. The themes of the conference were as follows:

  • River and urban floods, coastal surges and tsunami waves.
  • River, estuaries, maritime, coastal sediment processes.
  • Waterworks, coastal structures design and sustainability.
  • Waves, tidal renewable and hydro power energy assessment.
  • Water quality, ecology and environmental impact.
  • Numerical methods, code coupling and high performance computing.
  • Data assimilation, optimization, risks and uncertainties.


A 2-day training workshop was organised on 13 and 14 October 2015. The training course showed all the steps required to simulate the triple coupling between wave propagation - hydrodynamics - sediment transport within the TELEMAC suite, using the HPC machines available at the Hartree Centre. The first day was used to set up the model, the simulation was run overnight, and the results analysed the second day.


Download the 2015 User Conference proceedings (registered users only).

The open TELEMAC-MASCARET template for Joomla!2.5, the HTML 4 version.