Hello everyone,
I just tried to install telemac-mascaret on Ubuntu Disco Dingo, and so far as I could tell the build with Python3 was successful because the installation gave me no error messages the last time I tried it. However, that does not seem to be the case, since when I try to run the example that is given on the installation page, I get the following unclear error concerning partel:
Exception: [{'name': 'run_partel', 'msg': 'Could not split your file T2DGEO with the error as follows:\n \n... The following command failed for the reason above (or below)\n/home/ryan/Applications/telemac-mascaret/v8p0r0/builds/gfortranHPC/bin/partel < PARTEL.PAR >> partel_T2DGEO.log\n\n\nHere is the log:\n'}]
I am not sure what this means, and I can't seem to find any additional logs that would clear up what is going on. Did I install this properly?
I have attached the full output, along with the command that ran it, and I have also attached my installation files as .txt files. I also followed the suggestions
here for building METIS if that helps at all. Let me know if there is anything else I can include to help resolve this issue.